
Product Design

Designing a new product goes through an analytical process and relies on a problem-solving approach to improve the quality of life of the end user and his or her interaction with the environment. It is about problem-solving, about visualizing the needs of the user and bringing a solution.

Product designers also work with other professionals such as engineers and marketers. While not in charge of designing the purely mechanical and technological aspects of the product, they are however concerned with usability. Product design has many fields of application: medical devices, tableware, jewelry, sports and leisure, food preservation appliances, furniture, etc. It takes into consideration also the production cost, the manufacturing processes and the regulations.

Elements of design.
Foundation drawing.
Basics of Digital Design.
Creativity skills.
Creative writing for designers.
Business communication and presentation skills.
Digital illustration techniques.
Physics for designing.
Elements of design.
Color Correction.
Digital design.
3D Design.
Digital modelling and animation.
Camera Tracking .
Rigging 3D Models.
Printmaking techniques.

Software for Product Design.

Adobe Photoshop
3D Max & Vray
Adobe premiere pro cc