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Game Design
Welcome! This course is an introduction to the primary concepts of gaming, and an exploration of how these
basic concepts affect the way gamers interact with our games. In this course you will understand what
defines a “game” and the mechanics and rules behind different types of games. Through four linked
assignments you'll learn ways to create and describe a game concept, and specifically what makes a
compelling game. This course focuses on the conceptual underpinnings of games, and all assignments can
be completed with a pencil and paper – no previous programming knowledge is required.
Design Principles
Creative Visualization
Color Theory
Composition & Visualization.
) Fundamentals of Cinematography and Photography.
Storytelling techniques and the basics of script writing
Sound & video editing
Principles of animation and work flows
UI / UX for Games Design
3D Character Modeling
Digital Sculpting
FX Dynamics and Simulation
Matchmoving and Camera Tracking
Rigging 3D Models.
Lighting and Texturing.
3D Character Animation.
Crowd Simulation.
Intro to Advanced Unity.
Level Design.
Look Development.
Testing / Debugging.
AR & VR Basic.
Software for Game Design
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Animate cc
Adobe premiere pro cc